Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

Planning your visit

Plan of the area


Find out how to get there by car with Google Maps

For routes on foot we recommend you use the plan on the left.

Enter your starting point in the following square to find out how to get to the Casa de Pilatos with the help of Google Maps.

The application will warn you if it cannot locate the starting point on the basis of the information entered. If this happens, try to be more precise, for example, by adding the postal code.

Example: "Catedral, Sevilla"

Opening hours

The Casa de Pilatos is open to the public every day of the week.

  • Winter (November to March):
    9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Summer (April to October):
    de 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Last entrance 30 minutes before closing.

Tours of the Upper Floor are always guided.

10 10.30 11
11.30 12 12.30
1 1.30 2
2.30 3 3.30
4 4.30 5
5.30 6 * 6.30 *

* Summer only.

To visit the Upper Floor, please wait on the top floor (use the main staircase). You need to buy the Complete House ticket.


Plaza de Pilatos, 1.
41003 Seville

Telephone: (+34) 954 22 52 98
Fax: (+34) 954 21 90 12


A partir del próximo 1 de julio de 2016 el precio de entrada será: 
  • Entrada de la Casa Completa: 10€
  • Entrada sólo de la planta baja: 8€

El precio de ambas entradas incluye el servicio de audioguía en la planta baja, disponible en español, francés, inglés, portugués, alemán, japonés e italiano.

The information contained in this leaflet may be subject to change.