Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

Like all the great Spanish noble houses, that of Medinaceli has been progressively shaped over the centuries by the incorporation of other houses belonging to the various kingdoms of the Iberian peninsula which, in turn, resulted from the concentration of lands and lineages.

For the sake of clarity, this section does not deal with the entire growth process of a house or lineage--which would be extremely confusing--but simply explains the main structure of this process with two restrictions: we limit our explanation to the process whereby certain houses were incorporated into others that were already part of the titled nobility and only consider the union of estates through marriage or inheritance. A full analysis of the territorial expansion of each house, examining all possible means of growth, such as royal favours or sale/purchase operations, will be available in a map-based application currently under construction that will make this process easier to grasp.

The first level of the family tree on the right shows the noble houses that were directly incorporated into that of Medinaceli. When the tree is dropped down the houses incorporated into the latter pop up, and so on. To the right of each house is the year in which it was incorporated into the house on the previous level; this date was established by considering when both spouses acquired the right of succession of their respective houses, irrespective of whether this right was legally disputed, provided that it was finally recognised. In any event, if you slide the cursor over the coat of arms of each house you will find additional information on each of these unions.

Casas agregadas

Exponemos en esta sección,  la estructura fundamental del proceso de agregación de casas a la de Medinaceli. Por razones de claridad expositiva, hemos establecido una doble restricción: nos limitamos al proceso de agregación de unas casas a otras cuando éstas ya forman parte de la nobleza titulada y solamente consideramos la unión de estados por vía matrimonial o de herencia.

Títulos incorporados

Describimos para cada uno de los títulos que han estado históricamente vinculados a la Casa de Medinaceli, sea por merced a esta Casa o a cualquiera de sus agregadas, el contexto de su concesión y la secuencia cronológica que van trazado al pasar de unos linajes y casas a otras hasta llegar a dicha Casa de Medinaceli o a cualquiera de sus agregadas, con independencia de que permanezcan aún hoy o hayan salido de ella.

Expansión territorial

Sección dedicada al análisis íntegro de la expansión territorial de cada una de las casas agregadas  a la de Medinaceli Partiendo de la unidad básica del señorío, se describen todas las vías posibles de engrandecimiento, mercedes regias, dotes, compraventas, permutas, etc., mediante una aplicación en construcción que apoyada sobre  tablas y mapas, permita aprehender mejor este complejo proceso.