Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

The Foundation

The Ducal House of Medinaceli Foundation, approved by a ministerial order of 20 October 1980, is a private cultural institution established on the initiative of Her Grace Victoria Eugenia Fernández de Córdoba y Fernández de Henestrosa, the  Duchess of Medinaceli, with the aim of conserving, restoring, reintegrating, studying, promoting and disseminating the historic assets, both tangible (immovable, movable and documentary) and intangible (traditions, cults, rituals.), that have come to be linked to the House over time. Initially endowed with the founder's historic heritage-which was donated at the time of its establishment-throughout its over twenty-five years of existence it has grown both through the acquisition of property with historical ties to the House of Medinaceli and through mergers with other foundations of which the Ducal House held the trusteeship. The Foundation currently manages historic and artistic property scattered across nearly all the Spanish regions, and we invite you to discover its wealth through this website.

Fines de la Fundación

Órganos de gobierno. Duque de Lerma, Pantoja de la Cruz (detalle)

La Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli destina todos sus ingresos, cuya parte sustancial proviene de las entradas a los monumentos abiertos a la visita pública, a la consecución de sus fines que se podrían resumir en la conservación, investigación y divulgación del patrimonio histórico vinculado a la Casa de Medinaceli y sus agregadas.

Governing and Management Bodies

Órganos de gobierno. Duque de Lerma, Pantoja de la Cruz (detalle)

As in all foundations, the highest governing and representative body responsible for the management and use of the Foundation's assets is the Board of Trustees. The day-to-day running is performed by the chairman of the board, aided by a general manager and small management team.

Activity report

Memoria de actividades

Every year the Foundation publishes an activity report describing the projects carried out during the financial year in question. Despite the limitations of a report covering only one year-too short a period for projects involving the conservation of historic heritage-this annual report gives a good idea of who we are and what we do. It can be downloaded in PDF format.