Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

Jacinta Gutiérrez de la Concha y Fernández de Luco

  • Birth: Madrid, 20 de agosto de 1847
  • Decease: Madrid, 1 de enero de 1921

Spouse and children

1.-  San Sebastián, 8/21/1864
José Ignacio Álvarez de Toledo y Acuña
XV Duque de Bivona
[París, 8/6/1838 - Madrid, 8/18/1898]
  1. MaleTristán, XVI Duque de Bivona (1869 - ?) [sine nuptiae]
  2. Silvia, XVII Duquesa de Bivona (1873 - 1932)




Legitimate marriage
Extramarital union
Note/bibliographical reference
In force
File of the title
List of titles
Genealogical tree
File of the person
Indirect succcession
Transference Succession
Fatherly Motherly