Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

Luis Ramón de Aragón Folc de Cardona y Córdoba
VI Duque de Segorbe

  • Birth: Lucena, 4 de enero de 1608
  • Decease: Madrid, 14 de enero de 1670
  • Burial:
    • Monasterio de Poblet (Tarragona)


Spouses and children

1.-  Madrid, 10/21/1630
Mariana de Sandoval y Rojas y Enríquez de Cabrera
III Duquesa de Lerma
[Madrid, 11/18/1614 - Lucena, 3/12/1651]
  1. Enrique Ramón, XXXIX Conde de Ampurias (1632 - 1640) [sine nuptiae]
  2. Francisco Antonio (1633 - 1637) [sine nuptiae]
  3. MaleCatalina Antonia, IX Duquesa de SegorbeFemale (1635 - 1697)
  4. Feliche Hermenegilda (1636 - ?) [sine nuptiae]
  5. María Juana (1637 - 1686)
  6. Juana (1638 - ?) [sine nuptiae]
  7. Teresa Manuela (1646 - 1708)
  8. Francisca Josefa (1647 - 1697)
  9. Ana Margarita (1649 - ?) [sine nuptiae]
  10. Ambrosio, IV Duque de LermaFemale (1650 - 1659) [sine nuptiae]
2.-  Iglesia de Santa Cruz (Madrid), 7/22/1660
María Teresa de Benavides Dávila y Corella
[? - 1704]
  1. Juana Francisca de Paula (1663 - 1691)
  2. Margarita (1664 - 1702)
  3. Antonia (1667 - ?) [sine nuptiae]
  4. María Ángela (1666 - 1737)
  5. MaleJoaquín, VII Duque de Segorbe (1667 - 1670) [sine nuptiae]
  6. Mariana (? - ?)




Image of the personImage of the person


1608 - 1632
XXXVIII Conde de AmpuriasFile of the title
List of persons with this title
XIII Conde de PradesFile of the title
List of persons with this title
1640 - 1670
VII Duque de CardonaFile of the title
List of persons with this title
V Marqués de ComaresFile of the title
List of persons with this title
Barón de Conca de OdenaFile of the title
List of persons with this title
XXIII Señor de la Baronía de EntenzaFile of the title
List of persons with this title
VII Marqués de PallarsFile of the title
List of persons with this title
VI Duque de SegorbeFile of the title
List of persons with this title
XXIX Vizconde de VilamurFile of the title
List of persons with this title


Legitimate marriage
Extramarital union
Note/bibliographical reference
In force
File of the title
List of titles
Genealogical tree
File of the person
Indirect succcession
Transference Succession
Fatherly Motherly