Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

Carlos de Borja y Aragón
IX Duque de Villahermosa

  • Birth: Pedrola, 18 de agosto de 1634
  • Decease: Zaragoza, 13 de agosto de 1692


Spouse and children

1.-  Madrid, 1656
María Enríquez de Guzmán
[? - Zaragoza, 7/17/1695]
[sine prole superstite]




1653 - 1692
V Conde de Luna 
List of persons with this title
1665 - 1692
IV Conde de Ficalho 
List of persons with this title
IX Duque de Villahermosa 
List of persons with this title


(? - ?)Comendador mayor de Alcañíz
(1670 - 1675)General de la caballería ligera de Flandes
(1675 - 1678)Gobernador de los Paises Bajos
(1680 - ?)Consejero del Consejo de Estado
(1688 - 1690)Virrey de Cataluña


Legitimate marriage
Extramarital union
Note/bibliographical reference
In force
File of the title
List of titles
Genealogical tree
File of the person
Indirect succcession
Transference Succession
Fatherly Motherly