Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

Diego Gómez Sarmiento
Mariscal de Castilla y I Señor de Salinas

  • Birth: c. 1345
  • Decease: Aljubarrota (Portugal), 1385


Spouse and children

1.- Leonor de Castilla
[? - ?]
  1. MaleGarci, II Señor de Salinas (? - 1393)
  2. MaleDiego, III Señor de Salinas (? - 1433)
  3. Pedro (? - ?)
  4. María (? - ?)
  5. Constanza (? - 1463)
  6. Hernán, Deán de Oviedo (? - ?)
  7. Mencia, Abadesa de Santa Clara de Medina de Pomar (? - ?)




? - 1385
II Señor de Barca, Fresno de Caracena y MoñuxFile of the title
List of persons with this title
I Señor de EncisoFile of the title
List of persons with this title


Legitimate marriage
Extramarital union
Note/bibliographical reference
In force
File of the title
List of titles
Genealogical tree
File of the person
Indirect succcession
Transference Succession
Fatherly Motherly