Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

Pablo Martínez del Río y Vinent

  • Birth: México, 10 de agosto de 1892
  • Baptism: Sagrario, 10 de junio de 1892
  • Decease: México, 26 de enero de 1963


Spouse and children

1.-  1922
María Josefa Fernández de Henestrosa y Gayoso de los Cobos
[Carrese (Francia), 5/16/1893 - Mexico D.F., 9/10/1986]
  1. Pablo Ignacio (1923 - 1989)
  2. María Josefa (1924 - ?)
  3. Ana Francisca (Bebesa) (1927 - 2011)
  4. Carlos Jaime (1930 - 2001)
  5. Casilda (1933 - 2015)




Legitimate marriage
Extramarital union
Note/bibliographical reference
In force
File of the title
List of titles
Genealogical tree
File of the person
Indirect succcession
Transference Succession
Fatherly Motherly