Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

Jeanne de Dammartin
Condesa de Ponthieu

  • Birth: c. 1220
  • Decease: Abbeville (Fancia), 16 de marzo de 1279
  • Burial:
    • Abadía Cisterciense de Valloires (Argoules, Picardia, Francia)


Spouse and children

1.-  Burgos, 1237
Fernando III de Castilla y León [Borgoña] "El Santo"
Rey de Castilla y de León
[Zamora, c. 1199 - Sevilla, 5/30/1252]
  1. Leonor, Infanta de Castilla y León (1240 - 1290)




1251 - 1279
XI Condesa de Ponthieu 
List of persons with this title


Legitimate marriage
Extramarital union
Note/bibliographical reference
In force
File of the title
List of titles
Genealogical tree
File of the person
Indirect succcession
Transference Succession
Fatherly Motherly